Ways we can engage as....
Authentic partners
We'd love to support your journey to cultural responsiveness!
Co-Construct Vision
Our team members will facilitate a process to co-create a shared CRSE vision with your community which includes the voices of all stakeholders, especially those voices on the margins.
Professional Learning
Build your Equity or CRSE Teams by engaging in interactive foundational learning days, self-exploration, reflection, practice, learning walks, and CRSE co-planning. This is an ongoing process so we customize to fit your teams' needs and determine how to scale practices for the whole community!
Curriculum Reviews
After becoming grounded in CRSE principles, we will use protocols to review existing curriculum and assessments to determine if they are truly culturally responsive. Then we will explore ways to make more explicit connections to CRSE and elevate units of study and learning experiences for students!
Leadership Coaching
As leaders in CRSE, working through the process with a thought partner who pushes you to use an equity lens is imperative! Coaches will provide timely cognitive coaching to support mindsets and actions needed to enroll your community to execute your CRSE vision with intentionality.